About John Muir School

John Muir Language Academy is a dedicated district magnet school focused on Spanish language immersion, global citizenship and Restorative Practices. As a 90/10 One Way Spanish Immersion school we serve elementary (UTK-5) and middle school (6-8) students.

Each grade at Muir is comprised of one cohort of students creating a personalized and safe environment in and out of the classroom. Muir is located at 4431 Mt. Herbert Avenue in the Clairemont area. 

The Muir program not only focuses on language immersion but also a on a range of content ensuring we are in fact Building Global Citizens. Our Program also consists of:

  • Grades K-2 - Art & Dance 
  • Grades K - 5 - Music  
  • Grades K - 2 & 6-8 ~ Theater
  • GradesK-8 ~ Physical Education 
  • Grades K-8 ~ Library Services & Programming 
  • Grades 4-5 - Peace Patrol (Elementary Student Leadership)
  • Grades 7-8 - Associated Student Body (Secondary Student Leadership)
  • Grades 8- Broadcast team

Besides Spanish Immersion instruction in our classrooms, our site provides various other spaces for students to learn and engage in, which include:


The Student Empowerment Center (H105) 

 The center will be under the direct supervision of Counselor, Leah Edzant.  The center will provide an array of services, that will include: Restorative Practices and Circles Mindfulness Activities, Individual and Group Counseling, Student Leadership, Empowerment and Advocacy (LGBTQIA, Diversity and Inclusion, Peace Patrol, etc.), and much, much more!


The Family and Community Engagement Center (B17)

 The center will be staffed daily by our new Community Assistant, and will house the office for our John Muir Association of Parents.   The Center will host parent learning sessions, Cafe Con el Director (Coffee w/ the Principal) as well our our school-based decision making committees (ELAC, SSC, SGT, etc)

  • John Muir Association of Parents - The JMAP consists of parents from our community who are dedicated to ensuring that our students have every possible resource at their disposal.  Some of the many ways our JMAP supports our school community is through volunteering, coordinating fundraisers and working alongside us when hosting school-wide events.

Primetime Office (B18)

 The center will be staffed daily by our Primetime Supervisor, Virginia De La Cruz, and house the office for our John Muir Association of Parents.   The center will house two key services for our school community. 

    • Primetime - The before and after school program ensures our students have an opportunity to engage in and participate in homework tutoring, activities and academic support before & after-school.


    Our team is also focused on ensuring that our students receive a rigorous and supportive instructional program.  During the 2022-2023 school year our teachers will continue to work with consultants and district departments to elevate and enhance the learning experiences for our children.  Here are just a few of the learning opportunities our staff will engage in: 


    Literacy Acceleration Program

     Teachers and Aides  will work with Okapi, a literacy consultant, to increase their knowledge of Bi-literacy strategies, progress monitor students and if needed provide literacy interventions in small groups to ensure that our students are meeting and accelerating in literacy. 


    To apply to John Muir Language Academy all students must complete an Enrollment Options application. Call the school for further information at 619-605-4000.